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Talent template preview 01
Talent template preview 02


A stunning website template suitable for SaaS apps, recruiting networks, and more.

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Template specs

  • HTML Template Built with Tailwind CSS v3 and Alpine.js v3. Shipped with pre-compiled CSS, changes via Tailwind CLI.
  • Next.js Template Built with Next.js 14 - app directory plus TypeScript support - and Tailwind CSS v3.
  • Vue Template Basic app built with Vue v3, Tailwind CSS v3, Vite v5.


  • Yes, you can take sections from one template to another, but since every template has a custom tailwind.config.json file it may require a bit of review work. For example, if you want to paste a section of Cube into Neon, o you'll have to swap any font-hkgrotesk class from Cube code to font-uncut-sans. Also, you might want to check that the color classes match the color scheme of the destination template.
  • Sure! If you want to get an idea of how the code is structured and organized in our templates, you can download one of our free resources on this page.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot provide support for using frameworks or site generators that are not explicitly advertised as compatible with our templates. However, you can set up your own environment and import the necessary components or elements from our templates into your application. By doing so, you will be able to customize the integration to meet your specific needs.
  • We have used icons from Nucleo in this template, along with custom ones created in-house. Regardless of the source, we always strive to choose icons that are visually consistent with the overall design of the template and provide a clear visual language for the user.

About this template

Talent is a website template designed to take your product to the next level.
One of Talent’s standout features is its attractive carousel components. They enable you to display your products or services engagingly and visually.
But Talent doesn’t end there. It also comes with custom illustrations that give your landing page a unique and memorable look. These illustrations are handy to complement your brand’s personality and story, creating an engaging and creative experience for your customers.

What’s included

Talent consists of four pages: a main landing page with a dynamic hero, images, and carousels; a schedule call page designed to let potential customers book a call with your team; a sign-in page that lets users authenticate to the app, and a recovery password page that allows them to reset their password if they forget it.

Built for

With its colourful, bright and dynamic layout, Talent delivers a professional look that’s perfect for showcasing apps and services.