Thanks for wanting to share your work with our community.
How it works
1. You submit for free
2. We take a look
3. If it is a good fit, we email back a link to pay for a review
4. You pay (we get notified)
5. We create your author profile, capture a Retina screenshot, assign categories, add search tags, write about what is noteworthy, publish
6. We email you with the review link
Frequently asked questions
Why are reviews paid and not free?
One Page Love has a team of people creating content. Each review takes time to perfect and publish. Remember a website feature is a lifetime listing and guarantees over 1,000 unique visitors.
3 submission types
Website inspiration
Unique single page website design inspiration.
Submit inspiration →
Website templates
Single page website templates for sale or download.
Form coming soon, email: [email protected]
Design and development finds to be featured in our newsletter.
Form coming soon, email: [email protected]