Fundamentals of Creating a Great UI/UX

Dark-schemed Landing Page (built on Ghost) taking pre-sales for the upcoming ‘Fundamentals of Creating a Great UI/UX’ book by Creative Tim. Always a fan of products backed with a ton of actual hard work, so leading with upfront stats leading up to the WHY they wrote the book is a mega Landing Page power play. Also worth checking out how they created a sense of urgency with the tiered pricing deadlines; clean and a very respectable pre-sale discount from launch price. And last shout to the intricate cover art, multi angle cover and chapter previews really bringing the product to life. I have very few doubts on what the product will look like. They had me at the bird illustrations :)
Features Books & eBooks Chapter Listing Dark Color Scheme Ghost Infoproduct Long Scrolling Pricing Table Skeuomorphism Sticky CTA Button Testimonials Tiered Pricing Deadlines
Category Digital Product, Landing Page, Physical Product,
Typeface Open Sans,
Platform Ghost
Published 25 Jan 2022