Dina WordPress Theme

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‘Dina’ is restaurant and diner WordPress theme integrated with the Elementor page builder. There are 4 one-click demos to get started with, featured here is the long-scrolling One Pager with a sticky header navigation that scrolls to the page sections. Features include lightbox food gallery, mobile-friendly coded food menu, chef profiles and a reservation form.

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This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.

This theme requires WordPress installed on your own hosting server. Get hosting optimized for WordPress.