Kick My Habits

‘Kick My Habits’ is an interactive One Pager that aids you in calculating how much your “bad habits” land up costing you. The site is bursting with colorful illustrations and feature super slick preloaders/transitions – a truly exceptional One Pager easily in our ‘Most Loved’ category and contender for One Pager of the year.
This website has unfortunately been redesigned or gone offline, so I have removed the direct link to it. The screenshot below hopefully preserved enough of the design but if you are really keen to inspect further, try this link. FYI: the site was first featured on 20 June 2013.
Features Animations Awareness Calculator Colorful CSS3 Diet Food-images Full-width Layout Health & Healthcare HTML5 Illustrations Infographics Interactive Moving Elements Pink Color PreLoader Purple Color Raise Awareness Red Color Sticky Navigation Texture
Category Informational,
Published 20 Jun 2013