Popular Pays

A different One Page layout that scrolls left and right in this Landing Page for ‘Popular Pays’. The intro video was great but I really had to do some research to find out *exactly* what this service offered. I feel companies forget how attention spans are the lowest they’ve been and they really need to tell the new visit what it’s about straight away (without a scroll).

Got this off Co.Exist – How it works: The businesses offer a free product in exchange for a certain number of followers–500 is the minimum requirement–with the implied promise that Instagrammers who take advantage of the offer will share a creative and enthusiastic photo of the product with their followers before, during, and/or after consumption.

This website has unfortunately been redesigned or gone offline, so I have removed the direct link to it. The screenshot below hopefully preserved enough of the design but if you are really keen to inspect further, try this Archive.org link. FYI: the site was first featured on 11 February 2014.