
Long-scrolling Landing Page for FigmaWP, a Figma to WordPress conversion service,(built with WordPress). Two items to appreciate here; the interactive pricing guide component and how you can upload your design file right within the Landing Page for a quote. Also first I’ve seen of this Chatra integration featuring a clean and nippy chat interface.
This website has unfortunately been redesigned or gone offline, so I have removed the direct link to it. However we have preserved an HTML version here, as well as the full Retina screenshot below. Hope these still serve some good inspiration! FYI: the site was first featured on 03 September 2021.
Features Character Illustration Chatra Chat Integration Contact Form Dark Color Scheme FAQ Accordion Long Scrolling Quote Generator Smooth Scroll Sticky CTA Button Sticky Navigation Testimonial Slider WordPress
Category Landing Page, Service,
Typeface Avenir Next,
Platform WordPress
Published 3 Sep 2021