Nestlé Shop Wien

One Page website for the Nestlé shop located in Vienna, Austria. Interesting to hear Nestlé actually asked for Tumblr as the CMS! Two noteworthy features are the neat hover animations on the thin-line icons and how they spiced up the Impressum pop up to match the website header/store theme. Thanks for the build notes Kerstin.
This website has unfortunately been redesigned or gone offline, so I have removed the direct link to it. The screenshot below hopefully preserved enough of the design but if you are really keen to inspect further, try this link. FYI: the site was first featured on 18 February 2016.
Features Austria Bakery Big Images Bootstrap Framework Fixed Header Food-images Google Maps Icons Nestle Off-Canvas Navigation Menu PreLoader Red Color Shop Slideshow Smooth Scroll Tumblr Vienna
Category Digital Product,
Published 18 Feb 2016