UI Components

A curated collection of 165 well designed or interesting user interface (UI) components in webpages. Each component is captured in full HD and links to the original page source.

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Clever reuse of their padding/margin editor component as an interactive zero. Lovely addition too integrating control+z keyboard shortcuts to undo your tweaking.

Nice touch adding a testimonial within the Pro tier.

Buckle up. We have well known opinion leaders, talking about transformation (where the service took them), sharing solid metrics, as well as embedding the actual client videos within the slider. So we're not just telling them, we're showing them. Dare I say this as good as a testimonial slider can get.

Consistent card layout with member left and titles top-right, organized into a neat grid layout.

Good reference to clearly suggesting a pricing tier. Also note the book-a-call, quick critique and referral blocks integrated within the same table design.

Square One have divided their team section into Family (co-founders) and Friends (devs, designers & subcontractors).

Loads to love here. On the UX front; the expansion of the arrows on hover and the subtle bounce animation on the cards. On the content front; highlighted takeaway up top, good avatars, their company positions plus brand logos for a bonus visual reminder.

Mike's Liftoff Course bio is strengthened with testimonials below all using his first name. Also love touch with signature and social media icons.

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