digitalwerkResponsive One Pager for ‘Liebsteinsky’ Bistro and Wine Bar featuring a sticky left navigation. The imagery is very good and nice touch with the sizzling steak video behind footer contact details. Always love seeing a restaurant menu that is fully responsive and this one adapts well on mobile.
This website has unfortunately been redesigned or gone offline, so I have removed the direct link to it. The screenshot below hopefully preserved enough of the design but if you are really keen to inspect further, try this link. FYI: the site was first featured on 15 December 2014.
Features Alcohol Austria Bar Big Images Bistro Explainer Video Flat Design Food Menu Food-images Full-width Layout Illustrations Left Navigation Responsive Design Slider Slideshow Sticky Navigation Team Texture Video Background Wine
Category Restaurant,
Typeface Archer,
Published 15 Dec 2014