UI Components (Page 3 of 21)

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Brilliant how-it-works section that animates the Alfread feature blocks as you scroll down the page.

The team members are fixed position to page edge, and central member - at a lower z-index - for smooth overlapping on small screens. Brilliant. See demo here.

Really appreciate the extra effort illustrating all the team members. Everyone is so well presented and even includes their fav quote + team nickname on hover.

Stamped ‘n signed, against a fine background pattern.

Ton of added effort in these cards highlighting the Herding bookmarking tool. The animation of the copy/paste shortcut keys, the cheeky copywriting and note how they showcase visual examples of the types of content it can capture - sync'd to the above paragraph. What a solid first impression for an app only in Beta.

A few elements to note here that give visitors peace of mind. The word “easy”, a numbered 1-2-3, actual times per step and a specific price.

Lovely touch with the single circle above the solo tier and the 3 circles with a plus icon for the Team tier up to 20 users. Also handpicking a killer testimonial, about time-saving, alongside a pricing table is a solid play.

Look at these happy docs, a team section that makes you feel they really care (and love what they do).

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