
Parallax scrolling One Pager built with WordPress promoting ‘Breadtop’ – a nationwide bakery franchise with over 60 stores across Australia. Minus points for the mobile adaption (text overlay on site) and the parallax effects are perhaps a bit intense but you can see that is what they’re going for. They’ve done quite a good job arranging a ton of content in the AJAX loading Products section – nice touch with the bread-slice preloader too.
This website has unfortunately been redesigned or gone offline, so I have removed the direct link to it. The screenshot below hopefully preserved enough of the design but if you are really keen to inspect further, try this link. FYI: the site was first featured on 17 September 2014.
Features Ajax Loading Content Australia Bakery Big Images Blurred Background Brown Color Cakes Contact Form Fixed Background Food-images Google Maps Long Scrolling Orange Color Parallax Scrolling PreLoader Sticky Navigation Texture Timeline WordPress Yellow Color
Category Restaurant,
Platform WordPress
Published 17 Sep 2014